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Green Technology for the Future

Greetings from the CEO

Thank you very much for visiting YHT Co., Ltd’s website.

Greetings from the CEO
The fast-growing electronic car industry is based on the quality of rechargeable battery.
The quality of rechargeable battery is a crucial element that decides the performance of electronic cars.
YHT is providing the optimal solution suited for the global trend that transitions from fuel to electronic vehicle. We are manufacturing rechargeable battery production facilities and inspection equipment for domestic and global automotive manufacturers.

In addition, we are capable of providing a range of solutions upon client requests from flat display production facilities, automobile production facilities design, production, and control to setup.
Responsive image
Company : YHT Co., Ltd.    CEO : Yun-Ho Kim    BIZ num. : 817-81-00407   
Address : 643-11, 3.1manse-ro, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea   
Tel : 82-31-831-8891    Fax : 82-70-7500-0032    E-mail : yht@yhtfa.com